A girl :)

I’m a girl


I have feelings. I overreact. I underestimate. I overestimate. I over think everything. I look too deep into everything’s meaning. I dream big. I have high expectations.

Yes I get jealous, and I’m always scared I’ll lose you

That’s why when I ask how you are I mean it. When I ask how was your day, I genuinely want to know. And when I say I love you, I’m not lying.


Repost from www.adhityaindraini.tumblr.com

Microsoft Surface

What is Microsoft Surface?

Microsoft Surface is a revolutionary multi-touch computer that responds to natural hand gestures and real-world objects, helping people interact with digital content in a simple and intuitive way. With a large, horizontal user interface, Surface offers a unique gathering place where multiple users can collaboratively and simultaneously interact with data and each other.

Check This :

For Users: Microsoft Surface represents a fundamental change in the way we interact with digital content. Leave the mouse and keyboard behind. Surface lets you grab digital content with your hands and move information with simple gestures and touches. Surface also sees and interacts with objects placed on the screen, allowing you to move information between devices like mobile phones or cameras. The result is a fun, social and exciting computing experience like you’ve never  had before.

For Businesses: Microsoft Surface provides tremendous potential for businesses to improve communication, and be more efficient in how they deliver information and services to their customers. The intuitive and approachable interface is easy to learn and the familiar software platform makes it easy to manage, too. The multi-touch and multi-user capabilities create an incredibly collaborative experience, where sharing and exploring information is easier than ever.

And How does Microsoft Surface work?

Microsoft Surface uses cameras and image recognition in the infrared spectrum to recognize different types of objects such as fingers, tagged items and shapes. This input is then processed by the computer and the resulting interaction is displayed using rear projection. The user can manipulate content and interact with the computer using natural touch and hand gestures, instead of a typical mouse and keyboard.

Introduction to HP DreamScreen 400 'Video'

Check This !!


This is so Coooool :D !!

Lenovo Ideapad U1 Hybrid Notebook 'Video'

Lenovo announced the Idea Pad U1 this January, calling it "the industry's first hybrid PC for consumers." The device debuted as a Windows laptop with a detachable touch screen that can be used as a separate tablet PC.

The computer featured an 11.6-inch screen and weighed 3.8 pounds (1.7kgs). It ran on Windows 7, but when detached the device operated on Linux with a reported 16GB of flash memory. Once detached, the tablet can connect to the Internet through a 3G connection.

The retail price of the device was estimated at the time to be US$999. But after the device was announced, Lenovo stalled on its release date.

Sekolah - LIA - Dokter Gigi

Halllooooooo !!!!! 
Gue sedang gundah gulana guling-guling hahaha, jadi mendingan posting aja deh hehehehe..

Jadi gini cerita nya, kemarin tanggal 20 November 2010
Di pagi hari gue berangkat pukul 7 dengan "menebeng" my father yang kebetulan juga mau berangkat kerja... *ngirit ongkos*
Di sekolah ada pengambilan nilai Ekskul sampai jam 10-an.

Teruusss jam 10 lewat dikit berangkat ke LIA. Yampuuuuuuuun itu Kalimalang maceeet nyaaaaa ckckckck. Jadilah gue sampai di LIA hampir jam setengah 12 padahal jadwal nya saya les jam 11 - jam 3.. gue masuk ke kelas, untung Mr nya baikkk kekeke *thank you Mr. Alden*
Ternyata lagi pada nyatet ttg Paragraph.. Ya you know laah macem Narrative, Argumentative, Expository, et cetera.

Lagi heningg *krikrikrikrik* tiba2 perut gue bunyi, oh ternyata gue laperrr -_____- maafkan gue teman2 kalo sedikit terganggu dengan suara nan indah ini..

Akhirnya jam 1 bel, yeyyyyyyyy istirahaaat, gue langsung ke kantin beli Nasi goreng pake telor pake keju pake kerupuk dan tentunya pake tempat dan pake sendok ahahaha.. Terus jam 1 lewat 20 masuk lagi dan belajar membuat essay -____- *suasananya buat ngantuk didukung oleh perut yang kenyang*

Jam 3 pulang dan gue sampe rumah jam 4..
Melakukan aktivitas seperti biasa e.g : mandi, makan, main komputer..

Terus my father pulang dan gue langsung nodong minta anterin ke Dokter Gigi *ckckck gak tau diri ya babeh baru pulang, kan capek haha*
Terus gue sampe di dokter gigi dan masuk terus duduk tenang di kursi yang ada lampunya sama banyak peralatan gigi gitu tuh hehe..
Dokternya meriksa behel gue, gue disuruh mangap2 huahahahaha..
ternyata hari ini cuma ganti karet, dan gue memilih warna HITAM !! hohohoho

gue sempet ngobrol sama dokter nya, kira2 gini ceritanya :

Saya : (disela2 ganti karet behel) Dok, ini graham blkg sblh kiri bwh udh mau tumbuh.
Drg : (sambil nembak2in karet ke behel) Ohh mana2 ??
Saya : Nihh (sambil nunjuk2 gigi )
Drg : Oh itu nanti operasi aja..
Saya : Enak aja dok ! *masa harus cabut gigi (lg) stlh 4 kali dgn ironis ? zzz*


ya, gue udah 4 kali cabut gigi !! bayangin boooo 4 kali !!! *lebay* 

tapi emang sakit sih orang disuntik dulu gitu, dan masa kabar burung nya dengan numbuhnya geraham2 laknat gue tercinta ini, gue terancam operasi mini 4 kali lagi untuk 4 gigi geraham jadi total nya 8 gigi gue melayaaaaang !!! AAAAAAAAAAA *dalam hati gue bilang "abis dong Dok gigi saya kalo dicabut semua -___-" 



New Solar Cell Technology Developed

Professor Som Mitra Develops New Solar Cell Technology

Imagine if homeowners could print out plastic sheets of solar cells on inexpensive printers. Imagine further that the solar sheets could be plastered over the roofs of houses and generate electricity – acting in a sense like   mini-power stations for the houses. Such a technology would be an enormous boon to American’s growing environmental movement.

And that is the aim of  a professor of  who is experimenting with a solar cell derived from polymers that could one day power not only houses, but cars, laptops and other consumer computers.

According to him, his research about solar cells is unique because the solar cell uses a carbon nanotube complex, which is just a molecular configuration of carbon in a cylindrical shape. The name is derived from the tube’s tiny size. Nanotubes are 50,000 times smaller than a human hair. But one nanotube can conduct a current better than any electrical wire.

Future Designer laptop - ROLLTOP 'Video'

The device of the flexible display allows a new concept in notebook design growing out of the traditional bookformed laptop into unfurling and convolving portable computer.

By virtue of the OLED-Display technology and a multi touch screen the utility of a laptop computer with its weight of a mini-notebook and screen size of 13 inch easily transforms into the graphics tablet, which with its 17-inch flat screen can be also used as a primary monitor.

On top of everything else all computer utilities from power supply through the holding belt to an interactive pen are integrated in Rolltop.

This is really an all-in-one gadget.
Imagine !! 

New Technology come to the new world !!
Simple, Beyond the future !

This is the Video !

Awal Yang Baru !!!

Assalamu'alaikum !!  

Halllllloooooooooo..o...o...o !!!

Yak, ini blog baru yang gue buat dengan terpaksa senyum yang riang sekaliiii. -___-

Tadinya gak minat sih buat blog jadi gue buat tumblr aja, ini nihhhh www.adhityaindraini.tumblr.com kalo penasaran sampe guling-guling pengen liat ha..ha..ha
eeeeh ternyata ternyataaaa dapet tugass untuk buat blog. -_____-

Yasuuudaahhh jadi lah ini blog terpaksa yang amat sangat gue sayangi. *ups lebayyy

Mudah-mudahan ini blog terurus sama gue (gue kasih makan, minum, mandiin) eh salah yaa HOHOHO.

Okee, that's all about my new post in my new blog, Keep Reading guys ;)